Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jane Grigsons Vegetable Book or Wooden Spoon Book of Old Family Recipes Meat and Potatoes and Other Comfort Foods

Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book

Author: Jane Grigson

In Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book American readers, gardeners, and food lovers will find everything they've always wanted to know about the history and romance of seventy-five different vegetables, from artichokes to yams, and will learn how to use them in hundreds of different recipes, from the exquisitely simple “Broccoli Salad” to the engagingly esoteric “Game with Tomato and Chocolate Sauce.” Jane Grigson gives basic preparation and cooking instructions for all the vegetables discussed and recipes for eating them in every style from least adulterated to most adorned. This is by no means a book intended for vegetarians alone, however. There are recipes for “Cassoulet,” “Chicken Gumbo,” and even Dr. William Kitchiner's 1817 version of “Bubble and Squeak” (fried beef and cabbage). Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book is a joy to read and a pleasure to use in the kitchen. It will introduce you to vegetables you've never met before, develop your friendship with those you know only in passing, and renew your romance with some you've come to take for granted. This edition has a special introduction for American readers, tables of equivalent weights and measures, and a glossary, which make the book as accessible to Americans as it is to those in Grigson's native England.

Table of Contents:
Introduction to the Bison Books Edition     v
Introduction to the American Edition     xi
Glossary     xiv
Table of Equivalent Weights and Measures     xviii
Acknowledgements     xxv
Introduction     13
Artichoke     15
Asparagus     30
Asparagus Chicory     41
Asparagus Peas     43
Aubergine     45
Avocado     61
Batavian Endive or Scarole     72
Beans from the New World     74
Beet Greens or Spinach Beet     90
Beetroot     91
Broad Beans     103
Broccoli, or Sprouting Broccoli     111
Brussels Sprouts     118
Cabbage     125
Cardoon     154
Carrots     160
Cauliflower     175
Celery and Celeriac     185
Celtuce, Asparagus Lettuce     195
Chayote     197
Chick Peas     203
Chicory - white, green and red     208
Chinese Artichokes     216
Chinese Leaf     220
Courgettes     227
Cucumber     236
CustardMarrow or Squash     247
Dandelion Leaves     250
Earthnuts or Pignuts     252
Endive     253
Fennel     254
Hamburg Parsley or Parsley Root     263
Hop Shoots     268
Jerusalem Artichokes     271
Kohlrabi or Cabbage-turnip     279
Lamb's Lettuce or Corn Salad     283
Land Cress     286
Laver     287
Leeks     291
Lentils     303
Lettuce and Lettuce Salad     312
Mange-tout Peas or Sugar Peas     325
Marsh-Samphire or Glasswort     330
Mushrooms     331
Mustard and Cress     333
Nettles     334
New Zealand Spinach     336
Okra, or Lady's Fingers     337
Onion, Shallot and Spring Onion     344
Orache or Mountain Spinach     359
Parsnips     360
Peas     366
Peppers and Chilli - The Capsicums     377
Potatoes     393
Pumpkin     417
Purslane     430
Radish     432
Red Cabbage     434
Rocket      440
Salad Burnet     441
Salsify and Scorzonera     443
Seakale     451
Sorrel     454
Soya Beans, Mung Beans and Bean Sprouts     459
Spinach     462
Spring and Winter Greens     480
Sweetcorn or Maize     482
Sweet Potatoes     493
Swiss Chard and Other Leaf-beets     499
Tomatoes     505
Turnips and Swedes     523
Vegetable Marrow     532
Vegetable Spaghetti     535
Watercress     537
Yams     546
Appendix     547
Cutting up Vegetables     547
Steaming and Blanching Vegetables     548
Stocks     550
Savoury Butters     551
Sauces     552
Stuffings     562
Batters     567
Index     571

See also: Weights for 50 or Running Fit

Wooden Spoon Book of Old Family Recipes: Meat and Potatoes and Other Comfort Foods

Author: Marilyn M Moor

For people who secretly crave the satisfaction of the home-cooked meals they grew up on, Marilyn M. Moore introduces a comprehensive cookbook of delicious old family recipes that brings back meat-and-potato meals and other comfort foods to the contemporary table. The book offers over 150 proven, easy-to-use recipes and dozens of meal suggestions and is conveniently organized, in sections covering meat and fowl main dishes, vegetable side dishes, gravies, breads, and desserts.

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